Sunday, August 27, 2006

Jim and a LARGER cousin

Here is a pic of Jim and a pic of a mantis eating a humming bird that I found EEeeKkK
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Friday, August 25, 2006

Bye bye Sour Puss :(

Well, the big dud sunflower our friend Christine named "Sour Puss", was cut down today :( I got sick of it not flowering and wanted to see what was in it.
As you can see, nothing much at all 'cept some lettuce LOL
The pic of Lisa standing next to the other sunflower shows that it is no slouch on the being tall scale, AND, it will flower !!!
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Night Owls

Here are Lisa, myself, and my best friend Sam and the boys just hanging out one night on the porch.
The boys look sleepy LOL :)
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This might be Jim

A while back we found a little tiny praying mantis that Morgan named Jim, well, the other day this guy showed up so the boys think he is Jim. He might be Jim :)
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First day of school

Here are Owen and Morgan firsts day of school. Morgan is now 1st grade, and Owen is 4/5th, (yea he's smart---alec)
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Monday, August 07, 2006

Asci artwork

This is called Asci art. It is when you render a picture in text.
Click on the pix to see them in full size, it is very neat.
I found a very cool program that does it for you, if you are interested, just email me and I will send it to you :)
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Rainbow and Sunrise

Another rainbow yesterday afternoon and this morning a really beautiful sunrise :)
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Friday, August 04, 2006

Lisa, finally!!

I finally got some pics of my Beautiful wife that she would let me blog.
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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Look how much it has grown!!

Here is a comparison of how much this stupid sunflower has grown since 7-23 
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Big flower, bad flowers

Here is the Big Sunflower, over 7ft tall now. It still shows no sign of flowering yet, look at that bud!!
A HUGE!! storm on Monday just about knocked over most of the smaller sunflowers :(
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